We want to do great things together - especially so you can be successful in business as our partner! Quality, safety, sustainability, and fairness - that's what drives us every day! Read what exactly that means to us here:
Quality and Safety
= Much more than just a strong sales argument
Parents care a lot about quality and safety these days - especially when it comes to toys! That's been a strong reason for us to make sure that our selection of materials for our toys has the highest quality. In our eyes, wood is the best material to play with as a renewable natural resource because to us, quality always means:
- Robustness
- Stability
- Durability
- Product lifespan
In addition, our age recommendations give solid guidance as to when a child can play with a specific toy in an age-appropriate and safe way. In the course of the testing of the random samples, the paints, lacquers, and materials are regularly tested for toxic substances (in accordance with norm EN 71-3).
Environmental Sustainability
= For a better tomorrow!
At small foot, we work hard to continuously reduce our environmental footprint. We're on the right path – and we're optimising ourselves bit by bit every day towards environmental sustainability! Wood is our chosen material: natural, warm, and durable – because sustainability comes not just from the kind of material, but rather how long it lasts! Wooden toys often outlast a single childhood and can be handed down. For us, that's sustainability in practice!
But we're doing more:
- Our headquarters are powered by our own company-owned photovoltaic panels that use the sun as an energy source.
- A portion of our product assortment carries the FSC® seal (FSC®C138595 ). The wood materials used in the production of these toys comes from sustainably managed forests or plantations which are regularly and independently inspected and certified in accordance with the strict international guidelines of the Forest Steward Council® (FSC®).
- We are donating a portion of the proceeds of the sales of our ToyAward-nominated Whale Baby Walker to the NABU project "Oceans Without Plastic".
- Our packaging is made of cardboard that's stable enough to be used as a long-term storage solution.
- We save energy and shipping space thanks to the smallest amount of outer packaging possible.
- We used recycled paper all across our company. We also regularly inform our employees about trash sorting and avoidance as well as recycling and environmental protection.

Sustainability and environment
Products with the FSC® seal stand for particularly ecological and social responsibility
Fairness and Social Engagement
= we take responsibility
As manufacturers of toys, it's of particularly strong importance to us to treat resources, people, and processes with fairness. Fairness must be for everyone: small foot pays close attention to ensuring that all involved people and companies all along the value chain are treated fairly.
Since 2017, small foot is a member of the Committed Brands PLUS program, an initiative of the International Council of Toy Industries ("ICTI" for short), which stands for fair and safe working conditions. Our products are certified in accordance with the strict criteria of the ICTI codex. With our membership, we're standing for:
- Ethical standards
- A ban on child labour
- A ban on discrimination
- Payment of minimum wages and overtime wages
- Environmental protection and safety at the workplace

In addition, small foot takes social responsibility in other areas very seriously. We've been supporting important charitable organisations and groups with donations for years:
- Doctors Without Borders
- Save the Rainforest
- Unicef
Since the topic of climate protection is an ever-increasingly important point for us, we've been supporting the well-known charitable climate protection organisation, atmosfair gGmbH with donations.
This climate protection organisation develops and runs climate-saving projects such as the expansion of renewable energy and energy-efficient technologies, advising companies and institutions on the path of transformation towards decarbonised economies, and compensating for unavoidable CO₂ emissions in the southern hemisphere. These are things that we can proudly stand by!