small foot wooden toys are distinguised by extra play value and fulfil children's basic need for joyful, boundless play. With their modern design and diverse, simple first play experiences, they offer children space for their own world of ideas and help develop imagination and creativity.
With multiple play goals in one product, they encourage children to dive deep into their play and discover new things - or even just themselves. From playing to staring in amazement, from fun to learning - small foot offers playing and learning experiences that stick with you for life!

This is why small foot wooden toys make children so happy.

small foot Wooden Toys: Exceptional design, made in Germany!
- Toys from small foot are developed by our design team at our headquarters in northern Germany. This is where we always find the right mix of fun and learning, and of design and playtime value.
- There's more behind small foot: you offer easy-start toys and unite multiple play possibilities in one product in order to keep kids excited.
- Children love classics: small foot uses timeless play ideas and transforms them in form, colour, and function into something contemporary. With great design, sophisticated details, and surprising functions, we at small foot create child-friendly toys that the children of today will enjoy.

small foot Wooden Toys: Responsibility for quality and safety so children can play carefree!
- The design, development, and quality control of our small foot toys takes place in the head office in Germany. There is where it all happens.
- small foot toys are well-thought-out and sturdily built. They are robust and durable so that children can play with them in a carefree way.
- We at small foot perform intensive quality control on our products and adhere to all of the common norms for safe toys. For all toys that we manufacture, there's also our own high quality requirements: toys must be safe!

small foot Wooden Toys: A love for wood - because it's a popular environmental winner!
- Nature couldn't have provided a better material to make toys with than wood. As a renewable, natural raw material, it has a bright future! Producing small foot wooden toys in an environmentally sustainable way is of special importance to us - and that's why we choose wood from sustainable forestry or use fast-growing, local kinds of wood in order to shorten material transport routes. In addition, we always strive to reuse manufacturing byproducts and reduce wood waste.
- Wooden toys don't need plastic to be fun! small foot avoids the use of plastic in the manufacture, packaging, and transport of our products and instead opts for natural materials wherever possible.
- At small foot, we're always working hard to further reduce our environmental footprint. From the energy production for our head office to climate-neutral shipping, we're optimizing our operations piece by piece towards sustainability - and a better tomorrow!

small foot Wooden Toys: Playtime fun at a fair price - so that everyone can enjoy small foot!
- small foot toys have a great price-performance ratio and are affordable - and that's how it should stay. We strive to keep development and production as trimmed-down as possible, and we don't take any costly detours. small foot toys cost just as much as they should - and not a cent more!
- small foot offers so many play possibilities in one product so that our wooden toys are as much fun as they can be as long as possible. They last for years and can be passed down between siblings or even to further generations. That really saves money!
- Fairness must be for everyone: in all of the development steps from the production to transport, small foot takes care to ensure fair treatment of involved persons and companies.
Exclusive in-house developments from small foot - At the forefront of progress 100% to the end customer!
small foot is awarded!
Parents, children and experts agree on this
Spiel gut
For 60 years, the independent "spiel gut" seal has been distinguishing toys which offer a special playtime value and fulfil the highest safety and quality criteria. In addition to age-appropriate play ideas, safety, design, functionality, lifespan, development support, and environmental friendliness are also judged - and not only by professionals, but also by the true experts: the children themselves. We're proud that so many small foot toys have received this award!
Toy Award
The Toy Award, which is presented annually at the world's largest toy fair in Nuremberg, is probably the highest award for toys worldwide. In 2019 and 2020, small foot toys have already made it into the top three toys in the "Baby & Infant" category from among more than 800 applicants! Then, in 2022, the time had come: the Emergency Doctor Backpack won the ToyAward in the "PreSchool" category. Another award for small foot in terms of originality, safety, product concept, workmanship & quality as well as play fun.
Deutscher Spielzeugpreis
The "Deutsche Spielzeugpreis" ("German Toy Award") distinguishes new, innovative, and educationally valuable toys in various categories on a yearly basis. For this award, the readers of the "familie&co" periodical vote for the winners of each category, and an expert jury comprised of parents, educators, editors, and children then vote for the overall winner. In 2024, two small foot products have made it onto the nominees list: the "Sensory" Listening Memory Game in the "For my friends & me" category, and the "Sensory" Feeling Box in the "For the whole family" category!
Top10 Baby & Kind
The "TOP 10 Baby & Kind" is the retailer's campaign for baby & toddler articles in Germany. The highlights of the year are selected by the German Association of Toy Retailers (BVS) together with an independent jury of experts. Over the past several years, small foot products have been nominated for awards: for example, the Hare Motor Activity Cube in 2021, the Whale Baby Walker in 2022, the "Seaside" Baby Stand-Up Figure in 2023 and in 2024 and the "Wildlife" Elephant Toy Box with Seat and Wheels made the cut.
Top10 Spielzeug
Extraordinary highlight products from the toy industry are distinguished and awarded by the organisation "Top10 Spielzeug" (Top10 Toys). The jury is comprised of toy experts who are actively involved in toy industry associations and toy store chains. For four years in a row now, a small foot product has been selected as a nominee: in 2020, the Compact Nordic Workbench impressed the trend scouts; in 2021, it was the generously large Urban Villa Doll House; in 2022, it was the Rabbit Hutch and the "Discover" Explorer's Backpack; and in 2024, it was the "fresh" Cash Register and the Industrial Play Kitchen.
Product Design
The journey of a small foot toy, from the idea to the finished product.
The development of a new product is the kind of cross-department process that lies behind any concrete assortment concept. That's why it's often a challenge to make new products unique with their composition.
1. The idea is the beginning of each product!
The ideas for the implementation of our new products always emerges in a different way - sometimes intended and targeted, and sometimes via coincidental encounters with themes and inspirations. In this particular case, it was a documentary about the pollution of the world's oceans and the consequences for its residents, such as the blue whale.
2. From the initial sketches to the first prototype
Thinking and visualising ideas and concepts with a pencil. This is where the first ideas become implementations, studies become designs, and inspiration becomes colourfulness. We mold promising approaches into concrete prototypes, from the first concepts to the construction later.
3. Modelling and building the prototype
From the foundations of these draft drawings, we create a model on the computer or a prototype out of paper or cardboard. With the findings from these models, we improve the draft and create the technical data from which an example product can be built. Only once this example fulfills all of our requirements down to the details do we pass the product on to the production department.
4. The time has come: the production begins!
During the product's production, the individual parts are manufactured step-by-step on a large scale. First, the material is cut to shape, milled, and prepared, and is then painted and printed with illustrations. Next, the individual pieces are assembled so that they're safe for children. At the end, the product is carefully packaged in a way that saves space.
5. Quality is key!
In the quality assurance department, the first product samples are inspected by us in order to ensure that the product matches the prototype example and meets all of our requirements for quality and safety in all aspects.
6. That which impresses children and experts in the field tests is recognised!
The journey of a small foot product from the first idea to the finished toy is filled with passion for the raw material of wood and for design made in Germany. To the same extent, small foot stands for responsibility in the realms of quality, safety, and sustainability as well as for timeless play ideas which are developed further in a modern way. When the products which are created in this way impress children and the experts in field tests, the reward for the hard work is "spiel gut" distinctions, Toy Award nominations, and TOP-10 Toy nominations for the 2020 year!
7. "Sea" how much more the baby walker can do!
We're donating a portion of the sales of the Whale Baby Walker to NABU, which is actively and preventatively engaged in protecting the world's oceans and coasts and thereby decisively contributing to the preservation of the habitats of all sea creatures.
What bloggers say about our products!
Baby Walker Whale
"I had just unpacked the walker from the box and Lainey was quickly whizzing around with it. The Many functions invite you to play and discover. Lainey especially likes the chalkboard. The baby walker, made out of wood, can score with its top quality and, with a lot of love for little explorers. It is an optimal learning aid for walking."
Workbench "Nordic"
"We really like the unique colour scheme that makes the toys fit in timelessly in every nursery. The workbench, tool box, construction & Co. are played with every day. The products are well-made, and we recommend them with no reservations."
Multifunctional Play Store "fresh"
"So much flexibility with one product! Sam loves that too and has loads of fun with stocking and un-stocking. In addition, we really like the modern, simple design!" To the product
Ice Cream Buffet "fresh"
"Our little ice cream fans love their little ice cream café! The Ice Cream Stand is a great addition to the play kitchen and a must-have for the summer! It's very well-made with lots of love for detail and plenty of accessories - for that real ice cream café feeling!"
Premium Car Park
"My son particularly liked the super-fast ramp on which the toy cars can speed down and the lift which he was able to operate himself after a few tries and some instruction. The petrol station was also often visited because the magnets on the cars are the right size and make it easier for small fingers to use it." To the product
Training Bike-Trike 2-in-1 Turquoise Maxi
"We're totally impressed! A 2-in-1 tricycle and a balance bike in one; it simply great! The lightly cushioned seat can be adjusted to three different height settings, as can its distance to the handlebars, which is a big plus! The handlebars' turning restrictor adds to the safety! We also find the indestructible rubber tires to be very practical; they don't make noise when riding like plastic wheels do."